This week, we are going to do an easy post. What is your last finish and what UFO are you working on now?
I have a few finishes this week since I am on vacation. It's amazing what you can get done with work not getting in the way! lol
A mini quilt just needs to have my info written on the back.
A couple of continuous line table runners in dog fabric.
With dog fabric on the back! And thanks to Granma for stitching the binding down for me!
And the binding on the poinsettia table runner is finished, too.
Now that all of this is done and out of the way, I am starting to decide what to do with my February UFO so it is next on my list to work on.
The project is a quilt using the Star Struck pattern from Bonnie Hunter. I'm hoping to get the blocks put together before leaving Florida. I have lots of choices of fabrics to use for both the darks and the neutrals, but I'm afraid that I am going to run out of the darks and that is what is holding me up.
So what have you finished and what are you starting on?
Share your thoughts here! In order to be entered for the February drawing, answer the question on your blog and post your link to the post here. (For example, this link was for my post on the PIGS - and this link is for my blog - Please post to your link and not just your blog.)For non bloggers, answer in the comments on this post and identify yourself as "Your Name - COMMENT" in Mr Linky.
I will draw a name on March 1st and we will follow the new every other week schedule from here. Sorry about my mix up!!
Oh I love those Star Struck blocks -and that fabric is delicious. I know it is probably discontinued - but any chance of finding some extra dark out there in someone's stash or ebay or something if you don't have enough???
In my mind I thought the PIG post was this week. -- At least I thought to myself earlier this week, "what's this week's PIG question"
Your tablerunners with the dogs are an interesting pattern. I hadn't seen that type before. If only all vacations could be as productive as yours!
Like the start on your Star Struck pattern. If run out of darks, can't you just add some in? Since Bonnie's patterns are so scrappy it wouldn't matter would it?
Great finishes. Vacation has been very good to you!
LOVE the fabric for your Star Quilt. Bonnie HUnter Rocks!
You, my dear, are plowing trhough your PIGS list... Go Jill!
I finished the table runner project and will be taking the grandbaby quilt to the sew-in with the guild. I'm bummed you won't be there... won't be the same :-(
btw, the pup in the mini quilt is adorable! :-D) And I love those continuous line table runners... That is a really cool!
You've gotten a lot done. The Star Struck blocks are really cute. Can't wait to see it all together!
Well you are certainly getting a lot done! Looks like you are really enjoying your vacation time!
As far as UFO's....I have been working on NOTHING!!! LOL! Not for me anyway, I have a few more customer quilts that I need to get done first. Got 3 more today.
I love the mini quilt it's so cute, maybe your modelhelped pump up the cute factor. you have had a great run on your UFO- me not so much but things are progressing. and better yet I am finishing thing I start...not making UFO's to worry about later! thanks for making me think
sew happy Julie Ann
Just joined in on the fun. So what am I working on ? Lots and lots of things and many of them were P.I.G.s - lol.
What a have I finished? None so far, but they are at least getting worked on and I'm nearing the end on some of them.
I think I gave the wrong link on Mr. Linky - not sure how to change it, but will go look and see.
Thanks for letting me join the fun.
Simple question, but I had to really think! Your minis are cute, but way too small for me!
love all the stuff you got done and this star quilt is so cute. but the pups are too. i have been working on some scrapbooking and embordery ufo's lately instead of quilts. they will have to wait until later. i finished 3 scrapbooks so far, and am working on three more now. i have lots of pics for others later. one pillow case is almost finished (embrodery) soon i have to make some more sleep pants for grandkids (they are pigs) and shorts. crocheted about 2 more inches on a blanket. HAPPY QUILTING
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