Thursday, February 7, 2008

201 Envelopes

Ooooppss! This was supposed to be posted before I left for the Retreat, but Webshots was down and I couldn't get the pictures in. Kinda useless post without the pictures....

Ever wonder what 201 envelopes looked like? Here are a few pictures of the letters requesting donations for the St. Jude Quilt Retreat. I wanted to stop at 200, but forgot about a semi-local store that is between Cincinnati and Dayton and I figured that I should include that shop. There may be other stores so there may be a couple of letters to be sent here and there, but for the most part, it's done.

After stuffing all of the envelopes on Wednesday night, I was able to drop all of these in the mail on Thursday morning. Now, we wait to see what comes in!

Also, in preparing my projects for the weekend Retreat, I took a couple of pictures of the star and nine patch which is still on the design wall. This picture has all of the setting triangles with the blocks/rows. I think it looks pretty sharp!


Amelia said...

So pretty!

Jen said...

You know, maybe you should start writing your thank you notes now as you get the items. Less work for later. Then if you have to update a few things for your letter you can just copy and paste from letter to letter.