My CMQG buddy and dear friend Andie asked me to quilt her MBS quilt for her and I was very excited to quilt it for her! It is a very cute quilt made with a jelly roll, I believe. The design is blocks that resemble flags with sashing and an outer border. I quilted stars and loops in the flags, lines that resemble ribbons in the sashing and a tight stipple in the outer border.

Congrats for being featured on MBS, Andi!! And thanks for letting me quilt for you!
Beautiful quilting - and congratulations!
Super cool!! You did a great job with the quilting!
Nice job on the quilting. I loved the quilt when I saw it. Now another reason to love it!
I like the quilting!!!!!
A big YAY to both of you. Nice job!
Congrats to both of you!
great job to both out you, what a cute pattern! cw
Now how cool is that?!!! Great job for you both! I'm sure it is very exciting!
Congratulations to both of you! I saw the quilt on MBS today and I love it! Both of you were very creative with this one!
It looks even better on my laptop than on the touch in the car!!! :-) nice job!
How great! The quilting looks good!
Jill, that is totally awesome!!! I often wonder if folks who do the quilting for others feel like when the quilts go out in the world....must feel like a proud parent in a way??
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