Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday update

Still no finished books to review.

Still the t shirt quilt on the design wall waiting for the finishing pieces and border to go on.


I have spent a few evenings on the couch cross stitch this week. I was feeling as if I was coming down with something and that the best thing to fight it was rest and it worked. Here is my progress on my Gingerbread Lanes.


And my parents sent me a box that contained this cheese grater that was my grandmother's. I have a project in mind and I think it should be a joint project with Regina the next time I head to NY! So find a grater, Regina! You have a couple of months. :)


So maybe next week, I will have one book to review!


Regina said...

Ive got one... or two... old ones. Hmm... intriguing

Jennifer said...

The stitching is coming along great! Can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve with the cheese grater!