Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Time for a Comeback

The past year has been a very tough year for me and I have spent the last few weeks reflecting on it and the hopes I have for the new year that is just over a week away.

I lost my quilting mojo and I am not even sure that I can pinpoint when it left me. Some time in 2015, I think. Maybe earlier than that since most of my last blog posts were related to quilting for others.

One thing that I have been considering is a way to get back to quilting and working on my own projects. And I am ready! As soon as I catch up with the customer quilting I have...

Another thing that I have contemplated is the blogging. The blog used to be such a huge part of my life with documenting projects and progress and events and with corresponding with readers and fellow bloggers. But once I lost my quilting mojo, I figured the blog would be very boring with repeated "I didn't get anything done... again!" posts. I also need to find a good way of saving my pictures to the blog without them being in The Cloud*. 

One way that I am going to work on my quilting mojo is classes! Last weekend, I signed up for a Block of the Month at my local quilt shop using Deb Tucker Ruler/Tools and it starts in January. There will be companion quilt classes and I have signed up for the January class, as well. I am very excited to go through my fabrics and find ones to use for the BOM and to start picking for the January class as well. I haven't taken a class from a shop in years, but after meeting the teacher and seeing the first block, I can't wait to get started!

I already have plans for working on some UFOs and new projects (Christmas presents and yes, I am late! ugh!). I plan on getting everything in order in my sewing studio over the next week and making up some lists. Something concrete that I can reference while I work through everything.

And as usual, these mutts are just laying around and soaking up the sun while I do all the heavy lifting!

*Because I don't want all of my files saved to a web-o-sphere or whatever it is and I don't want to start paying a monthly fee to store my pics and then have the fee increased exponentially. I am coming to the conclusion that this will happen regardless, but I am still holding out hope that an easy and free way of sharing pics will happen.


MaryAnn said...

Welcome back!! Wishing you the best.

Jennifer said...

Glad to see a post from you and hope 2017 is a better year for you. I have had a much weakened quilting mojo too...have done a few things in the last week that I enjoy, but not sure I am back yet. The stitching has filled in the "need to craft" hole for me. Look forward to seeing your blocks and hope you enjoy your class!

Marj said...

Hope that 2017 will be a good quilting year for you. I have missed you and the pups.

Ellyn said...

good to see you back! I look forward to seeing what you make in the new year

Teri said...

Glad to see a post. I miss blogging, but I don't have enough time to do everything. I do find detailed that I get a lot more done when I blog about it. It helps me to set goals and keep it fun. Quilting will remain my hobby so it must be fun.

Susan C said...

Good to see you back! I hope 2017 proves tone a better year, sounds like you're getting it off to a good start. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

swooze said...

I look forward to you blogging but am glad we connected on Facebook too

Vic H. said...

I've been wondering how you are doing... Glad to see the dogs are doing well--and I get the "lack of mojo" thing. Inspiration comes when it comes, right?? Anyhow, happy to see you back!!

Churn Dash said...

Good to see you are okay. I've missed reading your posts. It's good to see the dogs again.

I love my Deb Tucker rulers. I have found that I can use some for more than one purpose - the wing clipper can double as a square up ruler for half square triangles. I love how thin the lines are compared to other rulers.

Here's hoping that you enjoy your classes.


Moneik said...

I have found Flickr to be easiest and free to use with blogger.