Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Fatal Fiction

This was a great cozy mystery and will be published on June 30.

A Fatal Fiction (Deadly Edits #3)A Fatal Fiction by Kaitlyn Dunnett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

*I received a free copy of this novel from NetGalley and Kensington Books for my honest review.*

Mikki Lincoln has a verbal altercation with a con man in town who winds up dead that night. Since the altercation was recorded and has gone viral, she is the prime suspect.

A Fatal Fiction is the third book in the Deadly Edits series by Kaitlyn Dunnett. This is the first in the series that I have read and did not feel like I was missing anything by not having read the first 2 in the series. Mikki is an elderly freelance book editor and it's refreshing to have a cozy series with an older main character and her friends. It's possible that a lot of villains would underestimate her abilities or physical capabilities.

I enjoyed this cozy. I felt like it was a good read alone from the series and I didn't feel like I was missing anything in character interactions from not having read the first books. The characters were interesting and the interactions were good. There were plenty of red herrings for the mystery. I think that the thing that I liked the most was that the clues were not rehashed throughout the book as they can sometimes be in cozies. Or if they were, it did not feel like I was being hit on the head with the recounting each time.

I look forward to reading the first two books in the series and recommending the series to my cozy loving friends!

View all my reviews

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