Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Wednesday!

I was going to title this post 'Quick Update,' but seriously, how many of those can I have in a 3 week period?

I know that I have been a little lax in my posting and I do still have a post for the donations ready to get verbage and links, but I have been a little busy this past week. Work has been pretty hectic and will probably be for the rest of the month at the very least.

Max reinjured his back last night. I couldn't really tell how, but I think that he missed a step outside when we were coming in because I remember hearing a noise, but then when we were inside, it seemed like he was limping and favoring a front leg. Of course, since he didn't want to pee outside and kept piddling whenever I tring to look at him, he ended up in the cage for the night and I had to wait until this morning to find out what was wrong. He is now on medication again.

I haven't gotten much sewing done. I spent a lot of last weekend napping and cleaning the house up. It is only me and the dogs living here and I just can't tell where this mess comes from. I must have gremlins!

Today, on my way home from work, I stopped at the post office and mailed my Spools quilt to Jen. Thanks to everyone's opinions (and Jen's outstanding math skills), I will be binding the quilt in black. I know that I just sent it, but I can't wait to get it back! It is going to be my first quilt to be quilted. I know, I have quilted a table runner, but this is bigger! I am very excited!

OK, now a quick explanation. My usual routine is to post first thing in the morning while my hair is drying from my shower or at night just after I eat dinner. The problem has been that I have been eating dinner later and lately it is between phone calls. I have also been staying up some God awful hours talking to George! I am not complaining about this because I have been totally enjoying talking to him and getting to know him and laughing a whole lot. I just wanted to explain where I have been.

OK, off to try and read some blogs and comment before the phone rings!


BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Yay!!!! A "George" update. Not a lot of info...but hey...I'm living vicariously thru you! You have been busy. Take care and pet the pup for me.

ZONE F DG TEAM said...

I too must have gremlins. That explains everything.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! George! A date with the special man! Wonderful.
Sorry to hear about Max hurting his back again. Maybe he needs a corset to keep his back straight. Imagine a mini doxie in a corset!
See you soon at Quilted Chaos. Karen

Regina said...

Gremlins -most definitely - they live at my house, too. They bunk right in there with my 3 year old!!

Sorry about Max.

WTG on the Spools - can't wait to see it done!

And don't worry about not posting because you are talking to George -we can wait!!! :-)

Moneik said...

So excited to hear your lack of posting is due to George! I'm excited for you. I remember the hours I spent on the phone getting to know Paul because he lived 2 hours from me and we only saw each other on weekends. Have fun!

Moneik said...

So excited to hear your lack of posting is due to George! I'm excited for you. I remember the hours I spent on the phone getting to know Paul because he lived 2 hours from me and we only saw each other on weekends. Have fun!

Amelia said...

Heym we want to hear more about the fellow George. There are only so many hours in a day...and sometimes some things have to we understand.

Connie said...

Sounds like a worthy reason to stay up late! And if he can make you laugh that is awesome! RE: the dog: have you thought of giving him glusosamine/chondroitin like people take for arthritis? One of my old girls took it and it made a world of difference in her mobility!

quiltin cntrygrl said...

I am super glad to hear that you are still talking to george and that you are having a good time!
Give max lovies for me..


quiltin cntrygrl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ZONE F DG TEAM said...

You've been tagged. Check out my blog.

Maureen said...

Yeah Jill...Yeah George...I hope things continue to go well...I to remember talking to Mark for hours when we were dating.

I hope Max is better soon! Poor little guy.
