On Friday night, I ended up sleeping after my long week at work. I needed that! Saturday morning was going to be spent quilting and that didn't happen either. I straightened the house up and tried to catch up on blogs reading.
Saturday afternoon, I watched the kids. Ethan was sleeping when I got there so Claire put in Enchanted and we watched that while Spencer played on the computer. Well, Claire watched the movie and I worked on stitching the binding down on the Spools quilt. Nikki told m that the night before Ethan had taken a nose dive off of the couch....

And he got 8 stitches. It didn't slow him down a bit!
Once Ryan got home, I stopped at a couple of stores and tried to find noisemakers that Amy, Lynn and I could use for our cheering on Sunday. I was successful and found some clappers and some noisemakers that you blow into. Then, I treated myself to IHOP for dinner. I realized what time I had to be there on Sunday morning so I was in bed y 10:30.
On Sunday, Amy, Lynn and I volunteered at the Flying Pig Marathon. We volunteered with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society at a Scream Team that was at mile 12. We had to be there at 7 AM! Here are a couple of pictures before the race started when we were 'fresh!'

This was the guy in first place and then the second and third place runners at that point. They were very serious!

We also had a TV news crew circling us from the air fora few minutes!

It was very interesting cheering for the runners. There was a guy who ran past that looked like Dr Paul from my dentist office, but I wasnt for sure. Then, I remembered that the main dentist, Dr Steve, from the office is a runner and I started looking for him. A few minutes later, Lynn and Amy distracted me and I turned back to the road in time to see the back of Dr Steve's head. At least, I am pretty certain that it was Dr Steve and I yelled, "GO DR STEVE!" Hopefully it was him and he heard me! I also tried to look for Maria, a fellow quilter, but I didn't see her. It was very neat to see all the people running, including the 2 people on their cell phones! Unbelievable - "Hey, what's going on?" - "Not much, just running a marathon!" hee hee hee
After the last runner went through, we decided to hit IHOP for breakfast and talk about our chapter plans. Then, I headed out to Maddy's to work on one of the super secret blocks. We got them done. And I took pictures of the boards that we are using for our Penny Wars. Each chapter in the state has a nurse or doctor kit to put their pennies in. And Maddy wanted pictures to send in to headquarters to have an article published about how much we raised and how great of a fund raiser it has been.

1 comment:
Congrats on all your projects. I'm sure you had a fun weekend.
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