Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Quilt #1 - Gillian's Modern rail fence

I finally got the tension spring on my machine fixed (it was a wonderful thing being able to make a repair on my own!!) and got the first quilt of 2014 loaded on the frame and quilted. I am starting my count over so that I can keep track of how many quilts I get quilted this year to compare to 2013 and any future years. :)

I quilted the Bountiful Feathers panto into this quilt for Gillian. I used a natural white Bottom Line in the bobbin and a matching So Fine in the top.


The design produces a fairly dense quilting and it is a little labor intensive, but I really like how it looks on the finished quilts.



The next is loaded and I hope to show it off this weekend.


thea said...

The quilting looks great! and a lovely quilt top too.

Gina said...

Thats a great pattern for all over quilting xx

Teri said...

You are doing well at keeping busy. Can't wait to see all you accomplish in 2014.

Jennifer said...

It looks great! I predict you finish 2014 in the 60's.

Michele said...
