Sunday, January 21, 2018

BOMs Away - Llano progress

BOM Button

I am still dealing with plumbing issues at the condo and it is very loud with the blowers and dehumidifiers in the basement and on the first floor so I am spending a lot of time in my quilting studio away from the noise. The good news is that I am making progress on some projects!

I have finished steps 3 AND 4 on the Road to Llano quilt! The first set of blocks are finished!


I also got the pieces cut for the Halloween quilt, #10 on my 18 in 2018 list. And I worked on piecing the blocks.


And after the snafu with the fabric book, I was hesitant to work on anything new, but I went ahead and cut the kit for a pint size tote from Connecting Threads. I need to stitch up the opening and get a couple of decorative rings, but other than that, it's done. And out of the stash!



I am linking up with Lynette for BOMs Away.


Jennifer said...

Yay blocks! Hope the blowers are off soon and you can get the place back to normal!

Kristie said...

You are on a roll!!! Hope you get all of your plumbing stuff fixed all back to normal.

Lynette said...

Look how pretty the Llano blocks are! I just started working on my #10 today since the quilting frame is finally freed up. I thought I'd already pieced thus quilt' s back, but no - so I'm halfway finished with that and enjoying some blog time for a lunch break. Hope the plumbing is all resolved!

Tish Stemple said...

If you have to hide, your quilting room definitely isn't a bad choice to seek shelter :) Completed blocks are always a good thing, it means you are getting one step closer to a finish. Can't wait to see what all you are able to tackle this week!