Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Nothing much to show

I have been working on customer quilts so I don't have anything of my own to show.

I have been quilting 4 Charley Harper quilts for a woman from my old guild to give for Christmas presents. The last quilt is on the frame now. I've done all of them with the tree bark/tree knots design. There is something about the fabric that my machine doesn't care for and the quilting has been taking longer than I like.

I am also almost done with 3 t shirt quilts. A co-worker recommended me to a friend of hers for these quilts for her daughter and granddaughters with her husband's t shirts. I always find it interesting the shirts that people include for the quilts. These had such a wide variety of UK shirts with some Grandpa, Christmas and beer/drinking shirts thrown in.

I'm ready to get these all done and handed back to the owners so that I can start back on something for myself!


Frog Quilter said...

Your post had me laughing about the t shi$t quilt. Lmao you might check it.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Nice job on the client quilt and those T-shirt Quilts look like they will come together nicely!

Jennifer said...

Quilting looks great on the Charlie Harper quilt, hope you’ve wrapped them all up in time to enjoy the holidays!