Saturday, September 22, 2007

Friday night activities

Last night, after the eventful dinner at the condo, my Aunt Carol, cousin Meghan and I left and went to Broadway on the Beach in Myrtle Beach. Carol had told Meghan that she could have a tattoo so we went back to get it for her without the rest of the family around to 'tattle' to grandma. Well, the place was closed and we ended up walking around the area for more than an hour for any of the other stores that would do the tattoos and they were all closed for the Jewish holiday. :( We finally went to the Visitor's Center to ask them where we could go. You can imagine what they told us... he he he just kidding!

So we went to the Ocean Blvd like they suggested and we found a place. I ended up getting one too!

Rest assured - they are just henna tattoos and will only last for about 60 days. At least that is what the sign said. The other stores all said they would last for about 3 weeks.
We ended up being gone for over 3 hours and were pooped from all of the walking that we did!


Maureen said...

Jill you had me I was reading your blog I thought you got a real tattoo...not that there is anything wrong with a tattoo but I thought that for a spur of the moment thing you might be unhappy with it eventually. :-)

I did think about getting a tattoo before I got married and my boyfriend (now my husband) said to me with all the things you are allergic to you are going to have them put ink/dye under your skin...what if you have a's a little too late by then.


Cindy said...

You definetly had me going about the tatoo. It sounds like you're having so much fun on your vacation and that's great.

Jen said...

You totally had me going!!!! What a fun thing to do. I could never get a real one because I'd pass out!!