Last night, I took the camera outside before taking the dogs outside. To set this picture up, yesterday morning, I shoveled the sidewalk and a path to my car before I left for work. When I got home from work, I repeated the process before pulling my car into my parking space. That was around 5:45. The freezing rain had started so I did shovel some of that in this process. This is the picture of my sidewalk around 10:00 when I went back out.

And here is the front step at the same time.

This morning, I woke at 6 and it didn't look like there was any fresh snow on the cars. When I took the dogs out at 7:30, there was fresh snow. I forgot my camera so I had to come back in for it, but I didn't go out for the pictures immediately. There may have been a 15 minute delay. It was a mix of snow and freezing rain at this time.

You can see that the footprints have already been filled in a bit.

At this point, I believe that there was only one vehicle that had driven down the street. And I don't think that anyone from the parking lot has left. And all of the counties in the area have declared at least Level 1 snow emergencies with the big county that I work in at a Level 2. I called my boss and told her that I was not risking it by driving to work and getting stuck. She understood and now I have the whole day to sew. :)
It's now about 2 hours later and I just looked outside. I can barely tell where the side walk was shoveled yesterday and there are no signs of footprints. I'm glad I decided to stay home.
So is Max.

He hasn't left my side!
OMG! That's alot of snow and ice you've gotten. I'm watching your weather on the local news here in Texas and getting the cold shivers just thinking about all that snow. Take care and stay warm.
Glad you got to stay home - we got about 10 inches of snow - drifty snow - but no ice. Over an hour to get home last night and Hubby had to dig us out this morning -and we have yet to head out today (I still have not showered - it's going to be a late to work day)
You did the best thing by staying home. Keep safe and enjoy your sewing days.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
I am glad you are safe, sound and warm! It looks like you had a good sewing day! Max looks so thrilled to have you home with him.
Glad you got to stay home. I hate the ice, the snow I can handle, but not the ice.
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