Once all the general raffle prizes were handed out, we played a very un-stimulating game of fabric bingo. Jen and I were bored witless by this game last year. In fact, I had suggested that we pass on it for this year. I was over ruled. The “game boards” were made by one lady who sewed 2 inch squares of fabric together to make a 5 by 5 board of colored fabric. Each row was a different color, but a lot of the fabric in each row was too similar that you couldn’t differentiate between them. For example, in a blue row, there were 5 blues, but they could all be medium blues with some type of floral or leaf on them and only the size of the leaf is what makes it somewhat distinguishable from a different fabric.

And when you are trying to hear a woman who does not have a boisterous voice over a roomful of ladies in a gymnasium describe each fabric as a variegated something or other and hold up an index card with the print on it expecting someone from across and moderately lit room, it makes for an extremely SLOW bingo game. Oh, and I found out that there were ONLY 5 DIFFERENT YELLOWS in play so anyone with a yellow row was basically out of luck from the get go.
Confused? You are not alone. Lucky for the retreat attendees next year – they get to play again!
After the Slowest Bingo Game in the History of All Bingo Games was done, they pulled the winners for the Grand Prize Raffles. Brenda called Trish from Canada, Moneik from SD and Regina the I from NY to come up and pull the winning tickets. Regina pulled Jennifer’s ticket for the roll of batting, Moneik pulled Cindy’s ticket for the serger and Trish pulled Brenda’s name for the Gingher scissors.

Then, Jennifer and Cindy decided that they should sleep with their winnings like I did last year!

What's so awesome about Jennifer winning the batting is that she just recently got a longarm and has a lot of baby quilts to make so this will really come in handy! And Cindy getting the serger means that Jen will be able to use it, too. Very cool!
I love that picture of Jennifer! And two nicer people couldn't have won the grand prizes. We were all fortunate peeps indeed.
I'm so glad our peeps won the big prizes.
Thanks for the shout out! I am going to love that batting.
Thanks for the memories! (can you hear me singing that line?) Those little bingo cards look very familiar. hmmmmmmm
Have a great weekend!
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