Sunday, February 5, 2012

Weekend Update #3

I got a lot done! I wish I had gotten a couple more things done, but what I accomplished is not too shabby!

Here's the update.
  1. SS quilt #1 - finish assembling top, making binding, make backing, quilt - DONE! I even have a label made and the label and the binding attached to the quilt and ready to be hand stitched down.
  2. Stitch down binding on cow quilt - I am just about halfway done on this. It is a queen size quilt after all. :)
  3. Prepare envelopes of tickets for the Guild Raffle quilt so that we can pass them out to members on Monday - DONE!!
  4. Quilt the quilt received today - or at least get it loaded and started - It's loaded! See below
  5. Add the borders to at least one of the bow tie quilts - Did not even get one of the quilt centers pressed
  6. make backing for Argyle Holiday - might as well make more if I am going to make one - DONE!!!
  7. Make backing for Doodlebugs quilt - DONE!!!
  8. Errands to bank, library and post office - and of course, this was done, too!
Here is the quilt that I loaded. It is a great scrappy quilt! The quilt is from Suzanne.


And the backings made.


It's too bad that I have to go to work tomorrow because I am on a roll!


Jean(ie) said...

I like that scrappy quilt. so the squares on the sashing corners

Jennifer said...

You are on a roll! Glad you had such a productive weekend and hope the week ahead is too!

Kelly said...

I love the Scrappy Quilt! The delineation between the colored blocks with the neutral strips just works so very well! Thank you for sharing!