Monday, January 13, 2014

Design Wall Monday - 1/13

I finally got the center portion of the t shirt quilt assembled. This week, I will work on cleaning up the sides and the bottom and putting on a skinny border.


I'm so ready to work on something that doesn't have partial seams! Or interfacing! lol

There are a lot more projects for me to work on and I am ready to move on to the next.


Teri said...

I don't envy you. I did one of those a few years ago and it hasn't been hard to say "no" to others.

Jennifer said...

Great job with the top - hope the borders go on quickly so you can move on!

PeggyinNO said...

You deserve a medal for getting that top done!! Good job!

Gina said...

Guess who? Looks good

Regina said...

Looks awesome - don't think I want to try one anytime soon, though.

thea said...

your t-shirt quilt is looking great! I have yet to make one, but it's on my list .. probably not this year though.