Monday, February 10, 2014

Design Wall Monday - 2/10

Well, I soldiered through and got the Disappearing Nine Patch blocks made into a quilt top. I got the idea for the quilt from this blog post.

Last Monday, I had most of the blocks on the wall and I wasn't too thrilled with it.

Photo: Modernized d9p. I'm not really loving it and I don't know what to do to change that. #ohcraft  #darlingjillquilts

I left it for a few days and came back and started to move things around to group the neutral into something resembling diagonal rows.

Photo: Modernized disappearing none patch. I think i might like it better now. I did my best to make diagonals of the background through the quilt blocks. #ohcraft #darlingjillquilts

A few more adjustments and I sewed the center together and then dug through my fabrics for border options. I was sure that I had enough for the light pink as a border and the dark pink for binding and possibly an inner border. After posting on my FB page and Instagram (@darlingjillquilts), it was almost unanimous to use an inner border.

Center is done. I'm trying to decide on a dark pink inner border with a wide light pink outer and dark pink binding. Or just light pink border and dark pink binding. #ohcraft #darlingjillquilts #decisionsdecisions

I sewed and sewed and sewed while watching figure skating...

Assembling rows to get this quilt top out of the way. Also watching the #Olympics figure skating. Woot! #ohcraft #darlingjillquilts

And now have a finished top and binding!

Disappearing nine patch finished top

binding made!

And now I have to move on to the next quilt. :)


Lori said...

sometimes its hard to make the blocks play nicely together. you got them in line and the pinks are perfect!

Linda M @ Pieceful Kingdom said...

I love the finished top. It turned out great!

Podunk Pretties said...

Love it, I'm such a sucker for pink!

Quilter Kathy said...

So pretty! And amazing how that inner border pops the pink!

Anonymous said...

It is amazing what a narrow inner border adds! I often find, as you did that it is the difference between an ok quilt and a great quilt.

Gina said...

Love how it turned out, well done xx

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

I really like it. Well done!

Bonnie said...

Amazing what an inner border will do. Looks great.

Jennifer said...

It looks good - do you have plans for it?

Unknown said...

Jill that really came together