Mom called me at 4 to give me an update on my dad who was having some intestinal issues. When we got off the phone, I was having spots again, but I had taken some drugs. I went back to sleep. And I slept off and on until about 8 and then I was out until just after 11. So far, since I have been back up, there haven't been any spots so hopefully, I will be past it. Tomorrow, I am all about sewing since I didn't get a stitch done today!
This is what I got at Joann's today since they are having a Memorial Day sale. I got backing for the first Stash Pot Pie quilt. Well, actually this is the only quilt that I actually got done, but I really like the pattern. It went together pretty easily and it look sharp!

And then, I got the next installment of Fons & Porter's Easy Quilting. They still don't seem to be offering a subscription for this magazine, but there have been really good patterns so I have gotten all that I have seen. I still have a 40% off coupon and there was another magazine that looked good so I will have to stop and get it n my way home from my sister's house on Monday. Oh, I also got a variagated thread for the stash pot pie quilt.

Well, I am going to go and get some more sleep now. Hoepfully, tomorrow will be more productive! :)
Hopefully the migraine is gone now and tomorrow will be a better day. I was with Jen today and at one point she laid on my sofa and took a long nap too.
Migraines are no fun ,hope you feel better .
Hope you are feeling better today,so you can get lots of sewing done.
Hope you are much better--I don't get those too often, but phew! they are not fun when they happen. I'm going today to JoAnn's for their Memorial day sale, too. Your project turned out cute!
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