Saturday, February 9, 2008

Stash Pot Pie Class #2

Today was our second Stash Pot Pie class. Last month, we discussed how to start organizing our stashes and the first quilt that we would make and how the tickets would be given. We were supposed to bring back a finished quilt top or at least a top with out borders. Since I was working on my Star and Nine patch so much, I didn't get to the Pie quilt until the Monday before class. I spent a couple of night cutting and about 3 nights piecing and sewing my hardest, but I didn't quite get it finished.

A little over a year ago when I was getting into the sewing and quilting, I had gone to Joanne's and bought a bunch of fat quarters when they were on sale. At the February retreat last year, I started picking the brains of my friends and realized that it may not have been the smartest move. So the FQ's just sat. Once I went to the first Pie class, I decided that this would be the time to use those FQ's so I went back to Joanne's and used a coupon and got a couple of tone on tone pieces to have for a few quilt tops. I went through the FQ's and picked out the brights and decided that I had enough to make a twin size quilt which was 48 blocks altogether. So I cut all of my fabric for 48 blocks and only got 12 completed by the night before class. I didn't even attempt to sew them together into rows and just took my blocks with me to class.

Here are my blocks just laid out in the pattern. I think that when it gets together, it is going to look sharp! And then blocks are going together pretty easily because there are not many seams to match. This could be the quickest top that I have ever made. And since it is Joanne's fabric, I think that I am just going to tie the top and probably do the birthing method for the edges. Nice and easy and finished quickly!

At the class, they said that we could still bring in this top to the 3rd class and get the tickets for our yardage used at that class.

Here are other quilts that were shown at the class. I didn't get a chance to get a picture of Judy's, but here is Cathy's. She made her with Ohio State Buckeye colors.

And these were some others from class that I liked.

The quilt for our next class looks a bit confusing. Since I still have some Joanne's FQs to use, I am going to get some more and make the next quilt from that fabric, too. I think that the next one will be more neutrals and browns.

I also decided to run to Aunt Ruth's to pick up my winnings from the open house in January. They said that I had won jelly beans and I had no idea what that was. There are 12 little 2 inch rolls of fabric and they are tied with tiny slivers of fabric. I haven't unrolled them, but the colors are bright and fun!


1. Jen said...

Those stash pot pie quilts are really cool!!! Yours looks awesome!

2. Maureen said...

I agree with Jen that the stash pot pie quilts are really cool. I like yours a lot.

I too had no idea what jelly beans were...thanks for sharing and for sharing your Apple Salsa recipe.

3. Moneik said...

Interesting to hear what Jelly Beans are. I hadn't heard of those before.

4. Mama Spark said...

I really like the pot pie quilts. Where is that pattern from? I run a quilt group at my church with the "church ladies" and this would be a great pattern for them to try.