Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Question of an ethical nature

Something happened this morning that made me review some events of the past few weeks. It made me start thinking, which is never a good thing. :) It made me wonder how others would feel about certain behavior that had been exhibited towards me or when I was around. I would like to know what others' opinions are on the matter.

How would you feel if you knew that the person leading your church or congregation made fun of people's appearances? Would it change your opinion of the person? Would it make a difference if you knew that the person was calling obese people, or one in particular, a weeble wobble? Would it make you want to attend a different church? Would it make you question whether this person is living his/her life the way that God intended? Whether this is someone that should be leading a church or congregation?

Just something that I was pondering on my way home from work. Sorry to be so heavy there. :)

I have had 3 cherry cokes today and started taking my allergy medicine. I have been having some issues with getting up in the mornings and getting to work on time the last few days and I think that it is because we are now into allergy season. So I went to the pharmacy at work and got some nasal decongestant and generic Zyrtec which is now over-the-counter! I am eternally grateful for this being over the counter. Zyrtec was the only allergy med that ever worked for me, but the dang insurance companies never covered it. Now, I am happy to be 'drugged up' on my Zyrtec!

And since it is the end of the month, I am working some overtime trying to get things done that need to be done. I always say this, but next month, I seriously need to get with the program and get my work done! :)

I came home from work and started quilting the Take 5. I am really feeling the urge for a machine quilting frame again. The quilting is OK, but you can tell that I am a beginner and not used to quilting. Very jerky in some spots. Big stitches in some spots. Very hard to maneuver the quilt. I talked to Patrice last night at her house and we are going to look at frames and set ups when we go to the Dayton area quilt show in May and the Columbus show in June. I am excited about having someone to go and look things over with me. :)

OK, I think that I am off to bed now. I am very sleepy!


1. Michelle said...

The person leading the congregation needs to be prayed for!

2. Colleen said...

Perhaps this person needs to review the golden rule.

3. Michelle said...

One of the biggest problems in this world is that people judge others by their outward appearances, rather than their personality,spirit, and who they are on the inside. How sad. Most of those who make their life decisions on appearances, usually are very disappointed somewhere along their journey in life and realize they have nothing. There are a lot of caring, loving, wonderful people in this world who may not win beauty contests in life, but their hearts are full of love, and THEY are the winners!

4. Jen said...

Personally and it's not just because I'm biased because you're my friend...I think it's a crock of $hit. I don't get how he could act so shitty and then on the next hand go on and on about being a Pastor. From some of his actions, I don't think he has any business being a pastor.

5. Hazel said...

This happened to me once at our church ,the pastor was poking fun at Alzheimer's and he did it every chance he got ,I seen nothing humorous in this as my dad had just died of the disease and his comments hurt .After a month or so of this my husband couldn't take it any more and had a private chat with him ,pastor said he didn't realize he was doing it ,that just made it worse ,so yes we did find another church .These people need to find another line of work .

6. ZONE F DG TEAM said...

I think we all know someone like this. Better yet, we've probably done it ourselves. I guess the key is the fact we are all human and often we have to know who we need to bite our tongue in front of.

Anonymous said...

The Bible says that you should approach the individual privately and if that doesn't work two should bring the problem to his attention. If it is still unresolved then a group of people should address it.

If you feel comfortable bringing this issue to your pastor in person I would address it. He is most unprofessional as well as a poor example of a person leading a congregation. If this does not work then it needs to be brought up before the session or board of directors of your church. They will certainly want to know that their choice in pastor is not walking the walk of Christ.

I faced a similar situation here at work with a manager "poking fun" at a woman who had immigrated from China. I went to the manager above him directly and said that I did not want to see this continue. An investigation was instituted and although no one else was willing or able to confirm my story, an e-mail was sent out to all in our department to indicate that putting down anyone for anything (race, creed, obesity, etc.) was not professional and would not be tollerated.

Stick by your guns, since you are in the right about this.

7. Moneik said...

You've got a lot to think about, but I have to agree that I wouldn't want this type of pastor for my church. Some people just don't get that what they are saying is wrong.
Glad to hear you'll be looking at quilting frames and finding them with a friend will help you make an informed decision.

8. Regina said...

It is hard to "follow" someone you have lost respect for. People in a position of trust and authority and leadership really need to respect the fact that they have created a balance, and a bond between themselves and others, and it is a fragile thing that can be destroyed by actions such as you describe. However a church is not just one person - it is a community - and if you can find strength and contentment in the rest of the community than hopefully that can overcome the weaknesses of the leader.

9. Mad about Craft said...

In my mind no one in authority, be it a church or a secular area should make offensive comments-period!

10. Nancy said...

If this is your pastor I would be upset. While we are all 'human', a member of the clergy should be walking in the footsteps of Christ.

11. Happy Camper Quilts said...

He could use a good dose of sensitivity training,and some awareness. Bring it to his attention. I don't think he realizes how comments like that can hurt others. Sometimes some of those who have ongoing weight challenges poke fun at themselves, which doesn't set a good example for others who don't face a challenge. It's kind of like giving permission for somebody to join in on the stabbing. I hope that makes sense. Anyway, if you're not comfortable saying something to him, ask a friend to do it for you. Recall specific examples when saying something to him. Given his position, he should know better.Don't allow the incident to cause you to leave your church family behind, especially if you have a strong bond there. My special ed students like to tease one another. I always tell them to "just be certain that whatever you're teasing them about can be changed in a 24 hour period, because if it can't be changed in a 24 hour period then feelings are going to get hurt". It gives them a good guidline to follow. All the best to you!! :)Oh,and although I usually have three projects going at once, I have more kits then I need. I keep saying that I should not buy anymore stuff too. My friend justified my spending/collecting by saying that the cost of fabric will only go up, so keep buying. HA HA HA