Sunday, February 1, 2009

Waun-A-Quilt January Results

Last night, after I finished working, I finished 2 more of my weekend goals and got an awesome amount of points!

Here are the blocks for the BOM.


And I started working on the final border for the Milky Way quilt. I got 2 of the shorter borders finished.


Now, with all of this and the points from the whole month, I finished the night and January with 8,472 points in the tweaked system. I was surprised to wake up this morning and see that Jen got the same amount of points! So we tied! Woo hoo!!

We also kept figuring our points in the old system. I kicked her butt!

Me - 17,426.48
Jen - 16,511.18

We do agree that the tweaked system is a better representation of the work that we did and the time spent. We are planning on something a little different for February. Jen is working right now, so once we have a chance to finalize our plans and the file, we will announce our plans.

Check back soon!


1. Shanna said...

I love the Milky Way quilt...what kind of fabric do you use for the white? Is it muslin? It looks great!

2. Cindy said...

Great quilt and watching you two for the competion has been fun. Who is the pattern author for the Milky Way? Love your quilt and I'd like to make one too.

3. Moneik said...

Your blocks look great! The quilt is really coming together.