Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stash report Week 16

Last Sunday, I spent most of the day cutting fabric for different things that I needed for retreat. I was on cloud 9! More than 16 yards!! Then, I had to buy the fabric for the second quarter Thimbleberries club. That did me in!

Fabric added this week: 7.93
Fabric added year-to-date: 56.71

Fabric used this week: 16.09
Fabric used year-to-date: 56.87

Net Fabric Used: 0.16

I have been keeping my stash numbers on a Google spreadsheet, but for some reason I couldn't get to my documents list page today. Apparently, other people are having the same issue, but Google hasn't fixed it. :-( I have now converted to Excel.

And hopefully, I can keep from over buying fabric this weekend during the retreat and shop hop and the big sale at Best Friends on Sunday. Oh, who am I kidding? I need to really get going on some of my kits to bust some stash! :)


Anonymous said...

"And hopefully, I can keep from over buying fabric this weekend during the retreat and shop hop"

..... Good luck with that!

1. Lori in South Dakota said...

Sorry-but the person who was going to comment is too busy rolling on the floor laughing! Not going to buy fabric at retreat and the shop hop!