Monday, April 27, 2009

Stash report Week 17

Well, I can't really give any numbers. I have lost whatever lead I had made what with the shop hopping and raffles won at retreat. On one hand, I think that I should start fresh, but on the other, I should just suck it up, measure what I can, guess on what I can't and take it like a quilter. I will decide this week. First, I have to return to work tomorrow. Then, I have to work a little at the shop this week. And the house needs to be cleaned up and my stuff needs to be put away. I will try and get organized and maybe next week's post will be 2 weeks worth of numbers.

We shall see!


1. CatQuilter said...

I'd say anything you won during the raffles,etc should be exempt from your weekly tally!

2. Sarah said...

I stuff shouldn't count since you really didn't have a choice in accepting it! ;-)