Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunshine Blog Award

Amy sent me a blog award the other day! We have been chatting very often since we have been learning to knit together! :) And we share the talk about dogs!
The rules for accepting the award are:
  1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
  2. Pass the award to 12 bloggers. A great way to "meet" new bloggers!!
  3. Link the nominees within your post.
  4. Let them know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
  5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.

I'm going to pass on the 12 and just do 6 other bloggers. This still may end up taking me the better part of an hour... lol

  1. Regina!! Regina and I have been blogging buds for quite a while now. She is the best! I almost think that we need to have a direct mail link for all the stuff that we have been sending back and forth lately!
  2. Michelle - Michelle loves junkin' with her hubby and she is/was immensely helpful with any and all quilt frame and quilting issues that come up! Love ya!
  3. Laura - Laura is an accountant (like me) and has lots of pets! What is not to love about that?
  4. Gina - Gina is quite an inspiration with all that she does! Gorgeous quilts and an awesome attitude - woo hoo!!
  5. Jennifer - What can I say about Jennifer? She was totally an enabler last summer and got me to the Bonnie Hunter classes and quilt shops! lol But she also encouraged me to enter my quilts into the show where I won Judge's Choice. And her kids love watching videos of my dogs! :) And I love seeing what she does!
  6. Melinda - Melinda's blog is newer to me, but the quilting that she shows is fantastic! And I love the quilts that she shows. Lots of great pictures ALL the time!

OK, I'm going to stop there. I don't want to take up all the blogs that I love - then my nominees won't have anyone to nominate themselves! Enjoy, ladies!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thank you sweetie!