Thursday, June 24, 2010

It pays to blog...

Last week, I got an email letting me know about a publication by an author that I have never heard of and did I want to receive a free copy and review it on my blog? I have received several of these types of emails in the past and generally deleted them immediately. For some reason, I decided to research the sender and the author and I decided to respond. The book is on it's way to me as I type!

As a bonus, I get to give away a copy of the same book here! This is where it pays YOU to read my blog and comment!

The author is Sandra Dallas and the book is Whiter Than Snow. After reading the description of the book on her website and seeing that this is her 9th fiction book, I can't wait to get my copy and start reading! I have already looked her books up on my local library's website and requested several! You can read an excerpt of Whiter Than Snow here. Sandra has also written a nonfiction book on Quilts in the Mountain West - it looks pretty interesting to me!

With all that said, here's the giveaway...

Get one entry for leaving a comment on this post. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has read any of Sandra's book before!

Get another entry for posting about this giveaway on your blog. Leave a separate comment with the link once you have it posted.

I will leave the giveaway open until June 30th and will draw a name on July 1. Good luck!!

**Update** If you are a No Reply commenter, you need to leave your email in your message. No Reply comments will not be eligible for the drawing!


1. Becca Quilts said...

Sign me up. The excerpt was very interesting.

2. Regina said...

Haven't read her before but have not been reading much of late except my quilting instructions and magazines. Would be great to get back into a good book again.

3. Deanna said...

I'm always up for something new to read. Thanks for the chance (and congratulations on being asked).

4. AnneMarie said...

Sounds interesting! Do you know how the company contacted you? I am interested in getting involved in stuff like this.

I think my new blog may apply to you.

Check it out if you get the chance!

5. ledamewood said...

Next to quilting, I love reading. And I'd love to read this book, sounds good.

6. Libby said...

Jill! I have every book that Sandra Dallas has ever written!! My favorite author! Her book "The Persian Pickle Club" is the reason why I decided to quilt. It is a soooo good. I really like "Whiter than Snow" if you like that one "Prayers for Sale" is a must read!!

Sandra Dallas also wrote "The Quilt that Walked to Golden" a nonfiction book about women and quilting while traveling to Colorado.

All her books are really good but Please try The Persian Pickle Club!

7. quiltin cntrygrl said...

Oh sounds great!! Who Knew that so many good things could come out of blogging?

8. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

How cool is that?!?! I've never heard of this author, but her book sounds very interesting! Pick me!!!

9. quiltin cntrygrl said...

Done!! Now Sandra's book is advertized on my blog as well!!

10. Marcia B said...

YIPPEE! Books and quilts are meant to go together! How lucky for you to be invited to read her book "Whiter than Snow", be able to offer another copy as a give away on your blog! Ah- life is grand!
(I'm keeping my fingers crossed!)

11. Mrs Quilty said...

Yes, I have read Sandra Dallas' books and I love them, especially 'Prayers for Sale"! Would love to win a new book of hers!

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any of her books but I love books that have a quilting story. How fun that they asked you to read the book AND offered another for you to give away. Don't you feel special?!

12. free indeed said...

Sounds like a great book. I've not heard of her before now; thanks for the oppotunity to win a copy!
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

13. elizabeth said...

hi Jill, i would love the chance to read another good book. havent done so for a while. also still loving your blogs and babies

14. elizabeth said...

and pics of your babies (is what i meant)

15. Jennifer said...

I'll throw my name in the hat too (even though my nightstand is full of books just waiting for me to pick them up instead of going to the sewing machine night after night).

16. ytsmom said...

I love Sandra Dallas' books. You have to read the Persian Pickle Club! Many of her books have a quilting theme. I hope I win, would really like to read her latest.

17. Laura T said...

I haven't read her books but this one looks really interesting. My husband grew up in Kellogg ID (father worked in the mines) so reading about it would be really interesting as my husband has stories to tell about Wallace and Kellogg. I've also bookmarked her blog to follow her. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in your give-a-way!
Laura T

18. Laura T said...

I've posted about it on my blog at:
Laura T

19. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Never heard of the author but the book sounds interesting! Please throw my name in the hat. Thanks for the chance!

20. Deb A said...

Throw my name in! I haven't read her... but am always looking for new authors to read.
Oh, thanks for the links to the area shops... I'll probably try to hit one later today or Wednesday before I leave the area. Love that there seems to be sales everywhere at your shops.

21. Amy said...

Heya Jill! I'm glad I found your blog! You're a hoot and I'm really enjoying all your posts. I get this feeling that we may find a few things in common with each other the more I read your blog!

Please count me in on the drawing. I haven't read any of her books; in fact, I've only read one "quilty" book (one of the Jennifer Chiaverini series).

22. Amy said...

I posted on my blog:

And I read the exceprt! My bad--thought it was a quilty book....but....**GASP** what a teaser!!!!!! Now I HAVE to win in order to find out who the FOUR WERE!!!!!


23. Amy said...

Oh---so it IS a quilty book! Well, EVEN BETTER....

(({{crossing fingers and toes}}))

24. Linda said...

Jill, I love Sandra Dallas! Her book "The Persian Pickle Club" was so entertaining that I just had to read more.

Sandra Dallas also wrote "The Quilt that Walked to Golden" a nonfiction book about women and quilting while traveling to Colorado. A great read.

Please count me in for your drawing. I just found your blog and will post about this. I'll be back to read more.

25. Linda said...

Jill, I blogged about your giveaway and put a link to your blog...Thanks for having such a great giveaway!

26. Winona said...

Oh wow, I have never heard of her before, but the excerpt sure got me interested. I need to find out how this turns out. LOL I should have known better than to read it. LOL Please enter me in the contest. I believe I will try to find some of her books in the library. Winona

27. Jane said...

I've had a couple of people recommend her books, would be great to start a new collection

28. Linda Lee said...

I have never read any of her books--I will have to check for them at the library. Please enter me in your drawing! I will be reading more of your blog!

29. Linda Lee said...

I just linked the information about your book giveaway on my blog. I also make a link to Sandra Dallas's information site. Thanks again.

30. Janet said...

I haven't read her before, but I would like to. It's nice to have someone recommend a new author to read. I would love to win a book. I always donate them to the library when I'm done.

31. Terry said...

You don't have to include me in your giveaway because I'm getting a copy of the book too! I just wanted to say I've read her "Prayers For Sale" and it was very good! I'm looking forward to reading her new one! :0)

32. Becky said...

I've read one or two books by Sandra Dallas. I loved The Persian Pickle Club:) I'd love to read her new book. Please add my name to your give-away! I have one dachshund. Love the picture on your header:) Heading back to explore your blog.

33. Lina said...

I have not read any of her books, but I have been told that they are well worth reading. Thank you for the chance to win this book.

34. scottylover said...

I've read several of her books. Love the Persian Pickle Club the best. Would love to add this one to my list of "have read."

Sandy A

35. Janet said...

I haven't read anything by her before but this looks like a fun read. Sign me up please.

36. Tracy said...

Sign me up, I 'found' her on Bye Bye Pie blog and have already reserved some from the library. I'm thinking these books would be great gifts too!