Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pants Party!

I finished the pants for Barb tonight and I will be delivering them to her at the hospital tomorrow! I will also be meeting the newest addition to her family!


And after I got a little set up for this pair, I think that I can get working on the rest of the fabric that I washed for pants and get them cranked out fairly quickly. I will start with cutting the fabric out tomorrow night!


1. Jennifer said...

Good job - perfect for an (almost) Valentine's baby. (they look really short though - lol)

2. Kristie said...

Great job getting those finished. I'm sure she will love them, they are so comfortable. How many more are you planning on making?

3. Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Jill Sweetie...
Love the pants. I would love this pattern as well. It is just darling. Love the print of LOVE that you chose too. I would say that Barb is going to love these. To CUTE.

Have a wonderful Wednesday sweetie. Country hugs, Sherry

4. Deanna said...

Now I am thinking that I might have to make me a pair. As far as I remember, I have never made myself a pair. Children, husband, nephews, daughters-in-law: They all have pants. No pants for me. It might be time to fix that.

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute. Barb is going to love them! I can't wait to hear about Barb's newest addition!

5. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Great job on getting them done and congratulations to Barb!

6. Tracy said...

Those are way cute! I've thought about getting a pattern for pants but decided I have enough patterns that aren't getting used yet...
I'll still probably get one!

7. Amy said...

Well, you've got one thing on me for sure! I have not, will not EVER make clothing! ;0)

8. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Those are too cute.