Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Year of the PIGS - 2/2

Our objective this week is to share the main reason(s) why you put PIGS and UFOs to the side. Now be honest! If you can't be honest about why things don't get done, then how can you help prevent them from being pushed aside? :)

This question is a little more complex for me to answer than to just state Reasons A, B and C. In order to do it justice, I am going to break my answer down into 2 parts – PIGS and UFOs. I think there are different reasons why I put each aside and, with twice as many PIGS (65) as UFOs (32), they really should be considered separate animals.

When I first started quilting, I was very unsure about my abilities to match colors and fabrics for quilts. When I signed up for classes to learn techniques, I signed up for the kit as well. When I went on shop hops or shopping with pals, I shopped the sale tables and when there was a kit all put together with a pattern and a bow on top, that usually came home with me. Almost anything that might catch my eye was a goner! Eventually, I settled down on taking classes and my confidence in my color and fabric selections grew stronger and I was able to chill out on the need to buy kits… unless it’s a great sale and a fantastic price! Lol

Reason A – PIGS were put aside for me to work on once I learned techniques.

There were several times that I bought sale kits without having a clue about what I was buying. I think the first 2 kits of this nature were for paper pieced pot holders for Christmas. They still haven’t been opened even though I know how to paper piece now. Various other techniques that I couldn’t handle when the kits were acquired include appliqué, bags and more specifically bags involving zippers and wool. I’m sure there are a couple more, but this is enough, right?

Reason B – PIGS were tossed aside until more time became available to work on them.

In more recent months, I would browse fabric shops with more specific projects in mind to help prevent random buys. Of course, there was always fabric that would leap off the shelves and into my hands or cart to be brought home. And when that happens, you really can’t expect the fabric to be left behind, right? But usually, this is also a time when there are several other projects already in the works and whatever I bring home has to be relegated to PIGS status and stuck in a bag or a tote in the Stash Room. Then, they are usually forgotten about until something becomes urgent.

Now, once I started really getting into learning everything I could about making my own quilts, I signed up for quite a few classes at a local quilt shop. There were a couple of quarters where I took 3 classes each quarter and since life happens, I ended up with a lot of projects in the works - UFOs. 

Reason C - UFOs were packed up and moved aside due to more urgent deadlines.

I did my best to keep up with the work for each class, but when each class is usually for a twin sized quilt and you are taking occasionally taking two classes in a month, something is bound to take a hit. And that something just happened to be the project for the class that was just finished. Similarly, when a pressing deadline loomed for other reasons - birthdays, Christmas, sicknesses, births, etc - current projects were placed indefinitely on hold and more often than not relegated to UFO status.

The only exception to all these reasons is the Hexagon Rag Quilt. And that was put aside because it was pissing me off!!

Share your thoughts here! In order to be entered for the February drawing, answer the question on your blog and post your link to the post here. (For example, this link was for my post on the PIGS - and this link is for my blog - Please post to your link and not just your blog.)

For non bloggers, answer in the comments on this post and identify yourself as "Your Name - COMMENT" in Mr Linky. If you don't link to your blog and you don't identify yourself as a comment answer, I will delete your entry. People can't find your non-existent blog. Don't make them try to.


1. Kate said...

Thankfully, I've not been one to do kits, otherwise my PIGS list would be a lot longer.

2. Cheryl Willis said...

If I were to admitt to haveing UFO's, I would have to say DITTO to all you said. I would also have to say I worked on two this week that I might not have if it weren't for your nagging- just kidding. cw

Anonymous said...

My biggest problem are swap blocks - and I figured out how to solve that -- don't join any more swaps! At least not until I finish a few more UFOs.

3. elizabeth said...

My pigs and ufo's have about the same reason for becoming what they are. I start a project and then sometimes life happens and i don't have the time to finish right then, someday i plain on going back to that item. But i forget about it, cant find where i placed it, or have lost interest in the item. Sometimes they were items for stash pot pie and i needed to just finish a little more of it and didnt like the project so i didnt finish it or i had something else that needed to be completed first. I have a few pigs and ufos that were for classes that i took and still havent found quite the right fabric for the backing or just havent had the money to get them quilted, etc. Someday i figure i will do a few of the pigs and ufos as i find them. i have done a couple of other craft pigs and ufos that i found recently. i have a few that i plan on working on soon to give to the nicu at good sam when i find them again. that is what happens when you have a house without a good spot to organize stuff better. that is another ufo i guess. i keep saying i have to clear out a spot to do just that. well that is another story for another day. happy quilting,etc

4. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

I have a few kits (like 2) that I have to pull out of hiding and either complete or give away.

5. Kristie said...

I told you the other day that this would be quick and easy for me to answer! LOL! So here we go....I have Adult ADD! See that explains everything!! LOL! Or at least that is what the doctor told me. :) I have a hard time concentrating on most things to see them through. So I have to REALLY make myself do things. Like doing dishes....I will start hand washing them and after washing 2 or 3 things, I'm off doing something else. LOL! Oh well....

6. Regina said...

Hello, My name is Regina and I have QDD.

7. Michele said...

I have a longer answer on my blog, but basically, quilter's ADD :)

8. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

We really need to stay out of the quilt shops!

9. Julianne said...

I tell you it's all the internet and too much out there to see and start and not finish or state something new. thanks for making me think Jill it's a great exersize

10. Julianne said...
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Anonymous said...

mine is up... it boils down to re-positioning my thinking....

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Anonymous said...

Dang, sorry about the major case of hiccups.