Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Year of the PIGS - 6/1

Another week goes by and I haven't been quilting. I haven't actually sewn anything since my last Midget Block on May 17!! But since we have already answered the question of how to get back to sewing when there is no desire, I can't take the easy way out and pick that question again. I can only hope that as soon as my bathroom is painted that I will get back to my sewing area for a time.

Someone graciously suggested a question for me to ask this week (Thank you!!!) and it sounds pretty good so I am going with it. It also sort of goes along with doing the work on the house that I have been doing. Not something that I necessarily want to be spending my time on, but it needs to be done eventually and now is as good a time as any.

"Your guild has challenged you to complete the PIGS that you least want to work on. What project would it be and why?"

This is an easy question for me. It's the hexagon rag quilt! Who wants to spend their time constantly locking stitches?


For my flimsie, I would have to say that it's a toss up. I have a quilt that had pieced borders that turned out a little waffle-y and I should really take the borders off and try again. I love this quilt and it would be awesome to have it done for my bedroom when I get the room swap finished!

I also have the 2008 BOM that I am scared to load onto the frame because I have no idea how to quilt it and I am scared that it will turn out to be A LOT of thread changes and rolling forward and back on the rails. I really love how the top turned out and I don't want to ruin it! lol


So what about you? Post your answer on your blog and then link back to your post here. I will draw a winner at the end of the month. If you don't have a blog, leave your answer as a comment on this post and enter your name in Mr Linky as "You Name - COMMENT."


Anonymous said...

I'm with you, the hexies would drive me batty. I highly suggest using it as a giveaway...LOL

1. elizabeth said...

Jill what about using a clear thread on the BOM so it doesnt take away from the piecing? Just a thought but you know more about it than I do.