Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Drumroll Please!!!

I'm ready to do the big unveiling of my newly renovated quilt studio!! Mind you, I'm not ready to show off the new bedroom, just the studio! lol

But first, I want to share some interesting statistics about what has happened.

Days elapsed since idea was first broached on blog - 175
Days since work was started - 103
Days since I started working only on the bedrooms - 46
Rooms where painting occurred - 7 (wow!!)
Gallons of paint used - umpteen
Gallons of spackle used - almost as much
Old outlets and switches swapped for fresh, clean ones - 15
  Ones done by me - 10
Trips to Home Depot - countless
Trips to the dumpster - at least 5
Times I borrowed my neighbor, Aaron - 2 (well, 3 if you count the consultation)
Number of naps taken on the luxurious new mattress - just by me? Or do the dogs' naps count?
Breakdowns had during the process - 1 (yep, just the one!)
Number of times Maxie had breakdowns - too many to count (The poor dog just couldn't deal with all the work going on.)

Knowing that I have a great space that makes me want to sew... PRICELESS!!!

And without further ado...

Here is the door to the studio and the wall that is to the left of the door. My sewing desk is partially in front of the door, but until I start sewing at it, I am not sure if I will need to adjust it's location. It works where it is for now. And I put the rocking chair in front of the TV by the window and while that just feels awkward to me, there is not really another place for it.


Here is the Stash Wall! I was worried that the TV would be sitting too low , but it is at a great height for sitting at the desk or on the bed.


The hope chest is between the door to the bathroom and the closet and I hung my thread rack and 2 ruler holders above it. It's nice to have all of that out of the way! There are still some spools of thread left over and I have a smaller thread holder, but I am not sure if I want to hang it up as well. I also have some current projects on the hope chest. I think that the chest will still be my staging area for now.


Looking into the closet, I have some scrap containers on the floor by the wall because they wouldn't fit on the bookcases or under the bed. It was actually my nephew's idea to put them in the closet! And of course, the GO is in there, too. At least until I can find better spots for them.


Here is the other side of the room taken from in front of the TV. The massive design wall and the oh-so-comfortable and way too tall bed!


And of course, room for the iron and ironing board! Can you tell that Max loves having his own bed in the studio? Maisy is just 'meh' about it, I think. :-D


The only thing missing is window treatments and a dust ruffle on the bed to hide the clutter underneath. But I still need to decide on what I want the window treatments to look like before Granma and I can make them.

So.... What do you think???


1. Ruthie said...

It looks wonderful! Enjoy!

2. Melinda said...

WOOT! I so jealous of your neat and organized stash wall. And my rottie, Doenja, is very jealous of Max's bed. Wonderful, wonderful job.

3. Libby said...

It really looks great Jill! Love that stash wall! You have worked so hard and now I know you are going to love your new room!

4. Jackie's Stitches said...

Congratulations on getting your new sewing space finished! It looks great and I especially like that the pups have a great window to look out of.

5. Deb A said...

Great job on the room. You are going to love working in that space... and the doggies will love it too.

6. Jean(ie) said...

Having actually been in the "before room" I can see ALL the hard work. It looks fabulous! You and your furry companions are going to LOVE the new studio space.


7. Kristie said...

Looks great! I always love to see where others sew and enjoy looking for new storage ideas for myself.

BTW...I love those big blocks on your design wall, what are they?

8. Deanna said...

I am so happy for you and the pups!

Carolyn said...

Wow what a transformation, Glad I saw the "before" when we came to quilt show

9. Marj said...

The room looks great and the bed by the window for the dogs is a good idea. Since they need something to do while you sew, it gives them two things to do. Hope to be able to see the actual room someday. You did good!

10. Quilter Kathy said...

Looks great! And what a lot of work you have put into it! Looks like there are some wonderful projects already on the design wall!

11. Jan said...

Your sewing room looks great---you stash looks so neat and "put together." You'll be able to get lots of sewing done now! I bet the dogs love the window!

12. Peggy said...

Fabulous space - everything in easy reach. I so look forward to redoing my space!

13. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

It looks GREAT! Hooray to you! Hopefully one of these days I can do the same to my sewing room. It could use the overhaul.

14. Cheryl Willis said...

I am so happy for you! the room looks great and I am sure you will be able to enjoy it for a long time! cw

15. scraphappy said...

Congratulations, there is so much hard work represented in that room. WAY TO GO. Now you can settle in and sew to your heart's content. Those giant blocks on your design wall are dwarfing the midgets.

16. swooze said...

Nice job!

17. Susan C said...

WooHoo! I told you it would look good when it was done! And it looks fabulous, simply fabulous. Can't wait to see all the gorgeous things you will create in your new space. Definitely need to plan a return trip so I can see it all in person.

Enjoy your new view Max! Hope Maisy comes around soon.

18. Jennifer said...

It looks great! Hope you have some time to christen it this weekend!

19. Kate said...

Wow! Looks great. All the hard work really shows!

20. Lori said...

Wow, is that studio NICE!! Maybe a ramp up to the bed for the pooches.....!! The summary of days, meltdowns, gallons of paint---that was the best!

21. Vicky said...

It's fabulous! Waytago!! Reading your list, though, wore me out! Of course, now that you're an expert remodeler, want to come do mine? :)

22. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

It looks AWESOME! Now you just need to get using it!!!