Monday, February 18, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 2/18

Saturday, I finally got pictures of the latest quilt that I quilted for Jen W.

I used a white Star Brand on the top and a pale pink Bottom Line in the bobbin. And the Popcorn panto.




It turned out cute!

I have one more quilt to quilt, but I just couldn't get the motivation to load it yesterday. Hopefully, it will happen tonight.

Instead, I started piecing a Midget block! It has been quite a while since I have done any piecing. Perhaps since the Sew in I went to in January...



1. Beth said...

cute cute quilt! popcorn is one of my fav pantos. Goes quick, looks good. Bingo! I pieced last night too..but the sewing room is still a disaster!

2. Sarah said...

Great job on the quilting! That quilt looks very cute and the Popcorn panto put awesome texture on it!

3. scraphappy said...

What a fun quilt. The panto really adds a nice texture.

4. PunkiePie (Jen) said...


5. Jennifer said...

Those colors are great and love that panto. I just used it for the first time and really like how it looks.