Monday, March 4, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 3/4

This weekend, I spent a lot of time on these 2 quilts. One is a twin and one is a full.

The twin is completed and washed.


I quilted stars and loops in red. The backing is a navy bed sheet so I used a navy thread on the bottom.


The second one's binding is just over halfway done. I used the same thread combo and just quilted a stipple design since it is so large.


Lula got exhausted helping with the binding last night!

Photo: Binding is hard work!! #dachshund  #darlingjillquilts #ohcraft #hernameisLULA #dachshund


1. Jennifer said...

Great job on them both. Rub Lula's tummy for me :)

2. Jean(ie) said...

yup, she needs a good tummy rub :)

3. Chris said...

Congrats on your finish!! It is always fun to have a new quilt to cuddle with.

4. Kim said...

Nicely done :0) what a fun way to spend the weekend.

Happy Sewing

5. Regina said...

awwww cute

6. Beth said...

wow! you are a quilting FOOL! WTG!

7. thea said...

those both look great!

8. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Hopefully Lula is resting up during the day...she's got another long night of binding ahead of her.