Sunday, March 31, 2013

Stash Report Weeks 10 - 13, 2013

Things have been hectic the last few weeks. I was busy quilting and sewing customer quilts and then prepping and packing for vacation and I haven't done much since I have been back except for unpack and knit.

I did remember that I didn't report the last of the fabric used on the 2 red, white and blue customer quilts. I had the binding for both quilts and the backing for the second quilt to report as busts.



In Florida, we didn't shop at any craft stores so I didn't bring home any new yarn or fabric. Woot!

Today, I went to Lynn's house for Easter brunch and we looked through her quilting to see what she has been working on and what she has plans for. It made me want to come right home and get to the sewing machine!

Instead, I spent the afternoon getting my taxes organized for my appointment on Tuesday night. I am sort of dreading the inventory and sort of looking forward to every other part of the meeting. Up until now, I have done my own taxes, but with the business.... I'm not taking any chances!

Fabric added this week: 0.00
Fabric added YTD: 6.47

Fabric used this week: 2.70
Fabric used YTD: 16.88

Net Fabric Used: 10.41

Hopefully, the tax person and I will not butt heads like Lula and Jasper did... lol



1. Jennifer said...

Hope the tax appt goes well and that it helps in your favor! Hope you also get time and have energy to sew this week!

2. Jean(ie) said...

I'm dreading the tax crap this year. I have two straggler statements I need to finish it all up for my accountant. Then I can rest easy.

I am finally off my fabric fast. Let's just say that my fabric report will soon be a whopper! LOL!

3. kucLI said...

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In addition to what I mentioned above red two kinds of relationships, there is not equivalent between English and Chinese. Let's look at some examples.