Saturday, April 27, 2013

A bit of sewing

Last night, I made spool blocks for a swap that I signed up for. I am heading to the post office in a few minutes to send them off! The blocks are made from a pattern found here.


I got the pieces all cut and pieced last night and I just needed to press the final seams this morning. And while I was doing that, I pressed and assembled part of Moon Pie - the quilt on my wall.


It was so quick, I can't believe that it took me so long to get it this far!

It's been a while since I have done any sewing and I stayed up late last night getting the blocks done. It felt great!!

Today, I will be working on emptying these boxes!!



But first, I need some food! Happy Saturday!


1. Dora, the Quilter said...

Oooooo! Glorious happy Saturday for you. You must be jittering for joy! I hope you are stitching on it soon!

2. Beth said...

Yippeee! I hope it goes well..or I should I hope its GOING well!

3. Jane said...

LOVE Moon Pie! So simple but so dynamic!

4. Regina said...

I CANNOT believe you were sewing and not unpacking... though I have the attic half rearranged and was sewing last night.... Moon Pie looks great!

5. Jennifer said...

Hope you have had fun unpacking today!

6. Deb A said...

Great blocks and a pretty quilt in the making. HAve fun unpacking all those nice boxes today.