Monday, April 15, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 4/15

Happy Tax Day!! One of my neighbors was talking about needing to finish their taxes last night and my heart stopped for a second until I remembered that mine are done. Woo hoo!

And don't forget about my 15% discount on quilting services for quilt tops received by April 30. You can find more information here and on my Facebook page.

Saturday evening and most of yesterday, I spent time putting the house back in order and straightening up. And then, I trimmed up the pink baby quilt, got the binding machined on and hand stitched down.


The quilting was a hearts panto from Golden Threads and the thread was a light pink variegated Aurifil in the top and a light pink Bottom Line in the bobbin. The Aurifil quilted beautifully in my MegaQuilter machine!


Now, I need to start thinking about getting the basement in order for the new quilt machine. :)


1. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Cute quilting great with the colors and fabrics in the top.

2. Jean(ie) said...

YOu are going to have so much fun with your new machine. I'm so excited for you!

3. Roberta Cogan said...

So sweet!

4. wtpooh11 said...

This is so beautiful. I would love to make such a sweet quilt. I'm new to quilting. Very new. This is an inspiration. Thank you for posting.

5. PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Very pretty and so sweet! :)

6. Jennifer said...

Congrats on your Aurifil shout-out of Facebook! Woo hoo!