I know the group because Susan is Regina's sister and when the IQF show was here the first year, Regina came down from New York and Susan came up from South Carolina with Carolyn and Marj. This year, they brought June with them
Here is the group of us at the quilt show on Wednesday night. From the left - Sue, me, June, Carolyn and Marj.

And here are the goodies! FROG jam - Fig, Raspberry, Orange and Ginger. It sounds interesting! And some cookies that look very yummy for the pups!

A Quilt Diva bag with a snap top and some doxie napkins.

And a quilt!! Bright fabrics and quilted by Marj with dog paws and bones.

And the back is very cute, too! They all signed one of the blocks.

Max was enjoying the quilt until Lula started after him from the right...

Thank you, gals, for the great gifts and for coming to see me! Come back anytime!!
Lula agrees!

<3 Love!!!
Gotta love accommodations that come with their own doggie wake up call! Thanks once again for your hospitality.
Awesome! What a great group of gals and gaggle of gifts :)
I'm so glad y'all got together again. They are a fun group! FROG jam sounds yummy!
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