Monday, May 13, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 5/13

Yesterday, I quilted Quilt #4 on the Avante. Lynn made this quilt and I believe that she is giving it to a little boy who was involved in a car accident on New Year's and lost his dad.


I quilted it with a new panto - Chain Maille - and a gray Star brand in the top and a light gray Bottom Line in the bobbin.


This was my first time using a panto on the frame. It was a bit different than the Mega Quilter and I struggled a little the first couple of rows, but overall it turned out pretty well!

One of my vicious dogs was watching me a lot yesterday!


See what others have on their Design Wall on Judy's blog.


1. thea said...

very nice. watch out for that vicious dog.

2. Ruthie said...

Looks great!

3. wtpooh11 said...

That looks really good. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Overall, you like the Avante? I imagine it's a little adjustment. This looks good.

4. Jennifer said...

Sad story, but nice quilting. :)

5. Jean(ie) said...

I like that panto... Lynn's quilt -- love it! Great fabric choices!