Thursday, May 9, 2013

Quilt #3 finished

Tonight, I started and finished quilting the third quilt on my new frame and machine. It's another charity quilt and I was testing out the thread again. I wanted to have one quilt where I had no thread breaks. Or at the very least, very few thread breaks.

Success!! I changed the needle and used Warm & Natural batting and I only had 3 thread breaks on the entire quilt. I used a purple Connecting Threads Essentials in the top and Bottom Line in the bobbin.



I'm so thrilled with how quickly the quilting goes! Tomorrow night, I am putting another quilt on the frame and trying out a pantograph! I can't wait!

And I have a quilting buddy.




1. thea said...

Your audience doesn't seem as excited as they should .. nice job on the quilt.

2. Teri said...

My dog get irritated when I quilt too much also. He has even mastered the sigh. Nice job on some practice pieces- you are on your way.

3. Jennifer said...

Great progress - hope the panto goes well!

4. Beth said...

I don't know about you, but the 1st couple of quilts on a new machine are not fun. I like to know how things work and have a bit of a routine. I'm so glad you had better luck with thread breaks. My friend quilted the 1st quilt on my frame and she was breaking threads all over the place. Me..only about 1 or 2. Hmmmm! Still think it was her backing. I'm ready to branch out into diff threads!