Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monday night stitching

I ran a few errands last night after I left work. When I got home, I had a bit of home improvement to take care of and by the time I got the dogs and myself fed, I was too tired to head to the basement to quilt.

I almost just went straight to bed, but I decided to do a bit of stitching. I had laid out the last 3 corner triangles for Easy Street Monday morning and I got them assembled last night in about 20 minutes. And then I laid out one of the setting triangles!

The step calls for 12 of the setting triangles so I need to get busy! I'm really like how this is looking and coming together!


1. Jean(ie) said...

Those look complicated. Beautiful, too!

2. thea said...

love those blocks. are they hand sewn?

3. Susan C said...

Finishing up my last 6 blocks for Easy Street. Carolyn has finished hers & it looks awesome! Looking forward to finally getting mine done. If only these other projects hadn't jumped ahead in line!

4. Jennifer said...

Great progress - good for you for doing a little piecing before bed :)

5. Regina said...

Sometimes just a little piecing helps clear the brain before sleep.