Saturday, June 22, 2013

Never a good thing

I was quilting last night and got to the end of a pass when I realized that my thread was getting low. I didn't even get another full pass finished...


I have this much left to quilt.


Barely another row of blocks. UGH!!

The thread has already been reordered. Now, I have to decide whether to take this off the frame and load something else until the order is delivered...


1. Jennifer said...

Make sure you baste it well if you have to take it off or it can become a mess when you try to get it back on....ask me how I know :(

2. Regina said...

Do you have anything on a timetable? If not - then take some time to do some piecing and creating... the thread will be here soon enough.

3. Vic H. said...

Hey there Jill,
That sure stinks! If you have a lot of quilts backed up, then baste it and remove it. You can reload it later...It appears that since you are getting busier you will need to keep a larger stash of thread! Awesome...
Congrats on mastering your new machine!!