Monday, July 1, 2013

Design wall Monday - 7/1

I didn't get to sew at all this weekend. I spent all weekend working from home and I am exhausted this morning!

I still have the Easy Street setting triangles on the design wall. Sooner are complete, some still need pieced. And six are ready to be laid out and pieced.

I am definitely going to make time for piecing and quilting this week and next weekend!


1. Jennifer said...

I didn't sew at all this weekend either, but not because I was working - oh,well. I did make progress on a book and some stitching projects at least :)

2. Kristie said...

Working sounds like a horrible weekend! :( Hopefully you can sew all that you want next weekend. :)

Have a wonderful and Blessed day

3. Dar said...

Don't feel bad. I'm still workong on my Easy Street too and I don't have any excuse except quilting for others. You will get back to sewing soon, I'm sure.

4. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Bummer having to work from home. Your triangles look good!!