Monday, July 8, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 7/8

I got so much done over the weekend! I finished quilting Quilt #18.


I finished piecing the triangles for Easy Street.


I got the dog quilt cut out and began piecing.


I started the purple and gold Road to Llano quilt. Once I get these last pieces attached and the squares pressed, Step 1 will be complete!


And I set up the sewing machine station in the basement.


It was so nice that all the pups joined in the fun.



1. Deb A said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend. Your Easy street is looking good..... as is the Llano blocks.

2. Lorna McMahon said...

You sure have been busy! All your blocks are looking great. Love the pic of the pups, too!

3. Shout4Joy said...

I'm just adding borders to my Easy Street, glad to see others are still in the process, too!

4. Rhonda said...

WOW, you did a lot. I love the colors in your Easy Street.

5. Gari in AL said...

That's the kind of sewing/quilting I like, variety. But I did recognize your Easy Street triangle from the little picture. I remember all those little pieces: mine are now one large quilt. You will love it.

6. Bonnie said...

Great job on getting a LOT done! I like variety too.

7. wtpooh11 said...

You don't mess around. You were a busy lady this weekend. Good for you for getting so much accomplished.

8. Paula, the quilter said...

You were really busy, but stayed on task. The pups are looking at you like, "What? Again?"

9. Regina said...

Looking good! Love your companions.

10. thea said...

What a productive weekend. I'm sure that felt great.

11. Kristie said...

Lots of sewing! Good for you!

12. Jennifer said...

Wow! Are you doing leader/Enders with one of the quilts or just using each machine for a project? ;-)

13. InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

Wow, you have a lot of projects going. Good thing you have all those sewing machines now! Congrats on making so much progress.