Monday, August 5, 2013

Design Wall Monday - 8/5

Last weekend, I worked on cutting out parts for the Road to Llano quilt. I still need to cut sub parts and then I can get back to piecing.


Yesterday, I loaded Regina's robot quilt on the frame. This evening, I quilted until I ran out of the bobbin thread and it was just about halfway through the quilt.

Photo: Next quilt on the frame!! #darlingjillquilts #ohcraft

I'm using a green variegated King Tut in the top and the Square Spiral pantograph. I love how it is turning out!

Photo: Quilting has begun! Square spiral pantograph. #darlingjillquilts #ohcraft

See what others are working on at Judy's hangout.

1 comment:

1. Jennifer said...

The quilting looks great - how are you coming on Llano? Ready to start the next one this week? ;)