Nothing says Halloween like vampires so I read a few more Sookie Stackhouse books. Dead as a Doornail is book five in the series by Charlaine Harris. As Sookie's brother changes into a were-panther for the first time, Sookie realizes that there is a sniper gunning for the shifters in the area. And when Sam is shot and can no longer tend the bar, Sookie has to go to Eric for a replacement bartender.
There are a lot of new characters and a lot of action as Sookie races to find the sniper before the next full moon. And her past actions come back to haunt her with visits from private investigators. She also witnesses a ceremony to find the new pack master for Alcide's pack.
At first, I wondered if I had missed a book because Sookie was recalling when she was notified of her cousin's death, but I guess that didn't happen in the last book like things usually do. As usual, there was a lot of action and crazy and interesting characters. I was able to read one more book before Halloween, but I will save that for another review. And I am ready to keep reading/listening to this series!
Trick or Treat Murder is the third in the Lucy Stone Mystery series by Leslie Meier and I was able to get it finished in time for Halloween as well. There are fires being set in the small coastal Maine town and some very old buildings are being damaged and completely ruined. Most think it is childhood pranks until someone winds up dead. Lucy starts asking questions when she cans and draws the eye of the arsonist who threatens her family.
This series is a great cozy mystery series and I enjoy the banter between the characters. Lucy's kids are getting a little older and she is having to deal with them, the newborn and trying to keep her town safe. And her husband, Bill, is asked to join the local historic society to review requests for improvements to buildings in the town. There are a lot of holidays left for the series to explore and I am ready for the next one. :)
What are you reading?
I finally finished Shadow of the wind this week - hooray! It finally got me interested around page 250....can't believe I stuck with it that long! Next up are a couple quickie Lemony Snicket books - Jenna has me reading them :)
The Leslie Meier one sounds interesting. I'll skip the Sookie ones. Never interested me.
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