Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Women

While many love Kristin Hannah, I am not one of her followers. (I felt like she name dropped brands too much in Firefly Lane and it was just ridiculous. I got it - set in the 80's. Stop beating readers over the head with it!) But I've heard a lot about The Women and thought I would give it a try. It did not disappoint..... much.

Frankie enlists in the Army Nurse Corps to impress her parents after her brother is shot down in Vietnam. What follows is very MASH like without all of the comedy. And then depression and addiction upon her return when nurses aren't acknowledged as actual vets.

The story is good, if not a little drawn out and far fetched. But with books, there is always some kind of suspended belief, in my opinion. And with the story being in the 60's through early 80's, the only thing that Hannah could really use to indicate the times was song titles and clothing styles so it was not as bad as the other book that I read.

All things considered, I am glad I read The Women, but am not a Hannah convert.

Four stars.


1 comment:

1. Elle said...

Not at all far fetched. Very fact based. I know 'Nam RNs.