Saturday, January 10, 2009

Waun-A-Quilt Update

The past couple of nights, I have been busy cutting and pressing and trying to get some things in order to have a very productive weekend. Not a lot of points earned, but a lot of little work done. Well, tonight, I got 8 pillowcases done for 8 points a piece and they were all from stash which means 30 bonus points for each of them!


And I am ready to do a lot of sewing tomorrow!


1. Regina said...

these are great - I got very very little done this weekend -just my few little ornaments... grrr....

2. Babs said...

I had a bunch of that Witch fabric! So cute!

I have a yard or so of that fabric with the women...I'm not going to use it..if you'll send me your address you can have it!

Anonymous said...

I love the witches' underwear pillowcase!

3. Sew Create It - Jane said...

Great pillowcases. Now that I've discovered what fun they are to make I don't think I'll every have store bought again!

4. Moneik said...

You did a great job and got a lot done. Love the pillowcases!