Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back Pack pattern

A couple of people had asked about the pattern on the back pack that I made. Best Friends, the shop where I work, has a line of patterns that they have written. They call them Brand X bags. There is a purse, a back pack, a tote bag and a Courier bag for a laptop. This is the link for the back pack.

The other question was about the closure for the bag. There are buttonholes on each of the different fabric strips a the top of the bag. For the pictures, I just ran a strip of leftover fabric through the holes to pull it closed. The pattern calls for cording, but I didn't have any of that here to finish the back pack. The other thing that the store does in a pinch is use a round shoe lace. It works perfectly!

Thank you all for the comments on the bag! I enjoyed making it! I may just make another for the shop when they need another sample!

1 comment:

1. Melinda said...

Nice backpack! I checked out the other Brand X patterns and they are all very interesting. I love the fabric you used for the backpack.