Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weekend Goals update

Here is how the weekend shaped up as far as the goals stand.

  1. Finish the back pack for the shop
  2. Start working on the place mats and table runner for the shop
  3. Piece the backing for the Milky Way quilt
  4. Piece the backing for the Wagon Wheels quilt
  5. Quilt a charity quilt
  6. Work on assembling the purple log cabin blocks

So, for the most part, it was a pretty productive weekend. I am a little more than halfway done with the binding on Lover's Lane and that wasn't even something that I had planned on working on.

And imagine my surprise when I started working on the backing for the Wagon Wheels quilt only to find out that it had already been pieced and has been waiting for quilting for some time now. Unfortunately, since it was already pieced, I can't count it as stash busted. Although, since I didn't know it was ready, maybe I could.... hmmm...

And I started to work on the log cabin blocks. I attached another row that was ready, but I have been moving my design wall around and the blocks have been falling off so I need to rearrange the blocks that haven't been squared up or sewn together. I will be able to test out the rotating cutting mat! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

1. Moneik said...

You did an awesome job getting so much done.