Monday, February 2, 2009

January Accomplishments

With the Waun-A-Quilt challenge, I really got a lot done! I have also been doing what I can to fit quilting in at any given time - at work during lunch, in the mornings before getting ready for work and, even when I get home from work around 8 and am very tired, I usually have binding that I can sit and work on. It would have been interesting to see how much time I accumulated this month while quilting.
  1. Finished the binding and attached the label to the red and cream log cabin
  2. Made a rice bag to help in healing me of my Cold That Would Not Leave.
  3. Finished the binding on the green and orange table topper which I still need to ship off
  4. Worked a little more on the purple Not Your Grandmother's Log Cabin
  5. Began tracking my net fabric used - to date it is 18.02
  6. Quilted and bound 3 Kid Komforts quilt for the Guild
  7. Took a machine applique class and loved it! Now, I have to finish a sample for the shop...
  8. Made 8 pillowcases entirely from stash!
  9. Completed the Cafe au Lait in Every Pot quilt which included finishing the top, quilting, binding and adding the label! Have I mentioned how much I love having Lenny and Squiggy, the machine frame and Mega Quilter? giggle
  10. Made 24 criss cross coasters
  11. Finished three 6.5" blocks and one 12.5" blocks for the Thimbleberries Club
  12. Helped Linda quilt a Nickel quilt on Lenny and Squiggy
  13. Made a top for a shop sample
  14. Worked on the final pieced border for my Milky Way quilt - more than halfway done! woo hoo!
  15. Made 4 coffee placemats
  16. Quilted and attached the binding on Lover's Lane. I also have the label ready to be hand sewn down, too.
  17. Made 4 blocks for the Teal and Brown $2 a block BOM

Wow! That is a lot!

Wait a minute... I feel like I'm missing something here....

Oh, yeah! I beat Jen in the untweaked version of Waun-A-Quilt! Woo hoo!! But we were even in the tweaked version, so I am still calling it a tie! :)

OK, I am off to try and finish my Milky Way top tonight! I don't have too much farther to go!


1. Moneik said...

You got a lot done! Great job and I'm sure you'll get just as much done this month.

2. Jen said...

What? No one else has congratulated you for beating me?