Sunday, February 15, 2009

Stash Report Week 7

Man, this is getting to be a very bad trend. I didn't really do anything again this week. Or at least, nothing with my stash. Except for buying 2.5 yards for a pair of pajama pants. *sigh*

So here are the numbers...

Fabric added this week: 2.5
Fabric added year-to-date: 13.06

Fabric used this week: 0
Fabric used year-to-date: 28.58

Net Fabric Used: 15.52

And I haven't done much with my goals for the weekend either. Maybe this afternoon after working at the shop....


1. Sarah said...

Even though you didn't use any fabric this week, at least you're still positive for the year! I have a long way to go before I get positive since I added about 75 yards of fabric already this year. Yikes!

2. Lori in South Dakota said...

Goals are not deadlines! Have some fun! Play with the ninja's. Okay, maybe you already do but I want to!

3. Kristy James said...

I LOVE the backpack. I've never seen that pattern, where did you find it? I would love to know. I especially like the color combination, very striking even though you said the colors were off slightly in the picture.