Friday, February 13, 2009

Weekend Goals

As promised, here are my goals for the weekend.

1. Finish the back pack for the shop
2. Start working on the place mats and table runner for the shop
3. Piece the backing for the Milky Way quilt
4. Piece the backing for the Wagon Wheels quilt
5. Quilt a charity quilt
6. Work on assembling the purple log cabin blocks

I am also planning on stopping by the new Joanns store on Saturday to get a replacement walking foot and to scope the place out. And I'm getting an oil change on the car so I will be able to work on some binding while I wait for the car. And I work on Sunday. It promises to be an exciting weekend!


1. Moneik said...

Good Luck with your goals! I'm sure you'll get a lot accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, I always find having a list helps me get more done :)